How did a Physical Therapist, Feldenkrais Teacher get into Acting?
I came to America to study with dance icon Anna Halprin, started attending contact improvisation dance jams, then performing with local theatre companies. I jumped right in, learning from doing, with way too much effort at first, then gradually, sensing how that unnecessary effort stifled free expression in the moment, being more and doing less. It's a lifelong practice, like everything.
Favorite roles: Josie in Moon for the Misbegotten by Eugene O'Neil at Tao House in Danville, title character in Charley's Aunt by Brandon Thomas at TheatreWorks, Ruth in Hydriotaphia by Tony Kushner at Berkeley Repertory Theatre and the Alley Theatre in Houston, Shakespearean ladies; Rosalind, Olivia, Adriana, Nurse and Lady M, Madam in Bulrusher for Shotgun Players, and multiple roles in 43 Plays for 43 Presidents by the Neo-Futurists, Candide adapted by Len Jenkin, and A History of Human Stupidity by Andy Bayiates, with Rough and Tumble. Photos from 'Just Deserts' by Carol Lashof
Photos courtesy of William Newton